#Skywatch news youtube series
Tom’s several subsidiaries also include Defender Films, Defender Publishing and two new programs-Simply His and The Bible’s Greatest Mysteries. TruNews is the worlds leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Skywatch Wednesday is a YouTube video series from the Adler that encourages viewers to get to know their night sky. We are a family-friendly group that welcomes everyone everywhere to learn about the jet trails in the sky, technically known as. At the dawn of the Internet, Horn launched two news services where coverage of latest-breaking news and information on cutting-edge stories covering religion, prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural through in-depth investigative reports led to his network of writers being referenced and interviewed by the biggest names in broadcasting. THIS IS the largest crime against humanity in human history. PENNSYLVANIA, USA Newswatch 16s John Hickey shows us what fall looks like from space and what well be able to see this season in this weeks Skywatch 16. Ghosts, demons, giants, UFOs, spiritual warfare, conspiracies-topics that drive Christians to look outside the church for answers. His co-host and long time television and radio personality Thomas Horn serves as Chief Executive Officer of SkyWatch TV. SkyWatchTV is a new paradigm in Christian broadcasting, examining topics that most churches and Christian media prefer not to discuss. 12-inch f/5 Big Foot Newtonian telescope, awaiting his turn as speaker at the North Texas Skywatch Star Party on September 26. He and the SkyWatch “team” discuss critical issues of importance to Christians, including prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural.

Joe Horn is Chief Operating Officer and host of SkyWatch TV. Address: SkyWatch TV, PO Box 5, Crane MO 65633